Vision - Mission - Values

ANLPC as a high quality professional association stands for a set of principles designed to guide members and provide reassurance to clients and colleagues about the services they provide.

Unlike other organizations or groups, every member who joins ANLPC must commit to these ethical principles and Code of Ethics.


High Quality Level

Coaches will adhere to standards of ethical behavior that reflect both the Coach himself and the profession in general.



Coaches will represent themselves in an honest and fair manner, recognizing their particular abilities as well as their limitations.

Coaches always try to know and recognize their own belief systems, values, needs and limitations, but also the impact of these on their work. As far as possible, they will attempt to clarify the roles they perform for stakeholders and operate in accordance with them.


Professional Liability

Coaches will adhere to standards of ethical behavior that reflect both the Coach himself and the profession at large.


Respect for the rights and dignity of people

Coaches treat clients with dignity and respect, respecting cultural differences, their own cultural background and perceptions as well as the client’s right to autonomy, privacy and confidentiality.

Coaches duly respect the fundamental rights, dignity and worth of all people. Individuals’ rights to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination and autonomy are respected, bearing in mind that legal and other obligations may lead to inconsistency and conflict with the exercise of these rights. Coaches seek to learn more about people’s cultural, individual and non-cultural differences, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and socioeconomic status.

Coaches try to eliminate the influence of perceptions in their work, which are based on the above factors. They do not knowingly engage in and/or tolerate unfair or discriminatory practices.